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Training dates Obeya Builder

View all Obeya Builder training dates for the upcoming period. We offer the Obeya training flexibly. Choose the training that suits you.

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Obeya Builder, a follow up to Obeya Fundamentals

Discover how to successfully design, position, and manage an Obeya space within your organization.

The Obeya Builder training is a logical next step after the Obeya fundamentals training, where you were introduced to Obeya. During the Obeya Builder training, you will learn how to be successful in designing the Obeya space, managing its content, and positioning it within the context and infrastructure of an organization.

Obeya Builder certification

When you follow the Obeya Builder training with us, you also have the opportunity to become certified and obtain the Obeya Builder certificate from the Obeya Association. Obtaining the certificate also includes a one-year membership with the Obeya Association (see also